LIBERTIA Soluciones Logísticas, SLU’s priority strategic objectives are to guarantee the quality of services to its clients, in the provision of the service of “National and International Transport Management in General Regime of Full Truck Load by Road”.

To achieve these objectives LIBERTIA Soluciones Logísticas, SLU has adopted this Quality Policy, which represents a commitment to:

Libertia Transportation

Continuously improve the development of our activities avoiding the appearance of errors and developing an efficient planning and initial prevention process to avoid later corrections, in order to prevent their transfer to the customer.

libertia personalized attention

Always operate in strict compliance with the applicable legal requirements, as well as those imposed by our customers or those assumed by the Management of LIBERTIA Soluciones Logísticas SLU.

libertia personalized attention

To create an integral management culture based on service quality, training and motivating personnel in order to achieve full customer satisfaction.

The Management, as the highest representative of LIBERTIA Soluciones Logísticas, SLU, is committed to ensuring that this policy is implemented, kept up to date, and communicated and understood at all organizational levels. Likewise, this statement of intent provides a framework for establishing and reviewing the objectives and goals of our organization.

Where are we?

Location Libertia
Libertia Phone
Libertia Mail

Pol. Ind. La Torrecilla, Avenue de la Torrecilla, 21
La Torrecilla Business Center 1º 11
14013, Córdoba

957 088 960

Location Libertia

Pol. Ind. La Torrecilla, Avenue de la Torrecilla, 21
La Torrecilla Business Center 1º 11
14013, Córdoba

Libertia Phone

957 088 960

Libertia Mail