Libertia at the Impulso ECOFARM Solidarity Festival

Sep 15, 2019

As was the case some time ago, LIBERTIA once again accompanied the Cordoba Association for the Integration of Border-Line Children (Acopinb), this time in a concert event held at the Royal Botanical Garden of Cordoba on September 21.

ACOPINB is a Cordovan non-profit Association that works for the group of young people with Intellectual Disabilities (psychomotor retardation, mild mental retardation, Down syndrome, etc.), trying to incorporate them into society in a full way, where they occupy the place that belongs to them.

In the festival you could enjoy the solidarity show offered by bands such as ‘El Duende Callejero’, Kisko Espinosa, Salvador Anaya (from the flamenco merengue peña of Córdoba), ‘Amigos de la música de Montalbán’ and ‘Arroz con frijoles’ all accompanied by the sympathy and naturalness of the boys of Acopinb.

For LIBERTIA, within the framework of its social responsibility, it is a pleasure to support these initiatives that reinforce the presence and projection of some of the most vulnerable groups in society.

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